Monday, October 25, 2010

Updates on the Oxford Trial.

Hello followers, friends, and whoever else might be reading this.

To those who have been following the Oxford trial details, you'll notice that for the couple of days, nothing has been posted. For the sake curiosity, here are some statistics thus far:

As of today, I have: written/read:
  • Written 1600 words/phrases in my notebook (give/take)
  • Read 101 pages (out of 241).
That's about 50 pages of vocab in a college-ruled notebook. In 7 days! Woo!

Now I just have to learn them all...


Though this has been an immense help, now I'm starting to burn out. I never was much of a crammer and I'll be the first to admit that I don't have a photographic memory. Plus, if it were this easy to learn a language, I feel like everyone would have done it already.

So in conclusion, when learning Portuguese (or any other language, probably), I should take each step slowly. People say Portuguese is one of the hardest languages to learn, and I'm not going to take that lightly.

I am beyond excited about learning more and want to learn to speak ASAP. However, I see no point in going through all the work with zero return; if I do this, I want to be sure I do it right.

When I come up with the next attack plan, I'll be sure to let you guys know.

On a different note, I finished "The Shack". Truly awesome read. I recommend it to anyone who has any interest in God/the afterlife and especially to those who don't. I hope that - for those that do read it - a sense of clarity descends on you as it did with me.

Tonight, I'll start Kite Runner.

Done for now. Tomorrow awaits.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris, hang in there. I have just one suggestion: if you are going to post every blog with Oxford Trial number x, we are going to forget which blog talked about which topic! Can you put some header in there that tells what the essence of your "thought of the day" is? That way if we want to find something, we won't be sifting through endless Oxford Trial blogs, and each blog will have its unique title or header. Just a thought. And invite anyone to follow my blog - I don't have followers and just posted a blog about our infamous battle of the vines!
