Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bike trip!

Well, that was the plan, but there's been some random, spotted torrential rainfall today/last night.

So that idea literally was left out to dry, then got irreparably soaked.

Yesterday though I had the day off of school, which is glorious because it extended what was a 4-day weekend into a 5-day one. :)

On November 2nd is a holiday called All Souls Day (Dia de Finados). For some reason, they're giving us the holiday off as well as the day after. I'm thinking if some people have to travel to visit their departed, they have the extra day to get back home. The basic principle is similar to Latin America's Day of the Dead and China's Qingming Festival, but they all have their subtle differences, of course.
Our family is going to go to the local graveyard where my host Father's Father is buried to pay our respects.

Anyway, yesterday was also fantastic because after playing tennis at the Rolândia country club, I enrolled in an exercise class called "Jump". In Jump, there are four vital components:
  1. The Trampoline: You stand on this and jump according to the Instructor's actions.
  2. The Instructor: Mimic her actions on the trampoline/follow her orders.
  3. The Music: Prepare yourself emotionally depending on the speed of the music; high speed is hellish, while slow/medium speed is bearable
  4. The Water Cooler: Self explanatory. It's really Really REALLY hard.
The exercise only lasts 45 minutes, but it feels a lot longer when you're there. It was an incredible workout though. I am definitely going back!

It'll be interesting to see if I pursue something like this in the States when I get back...only time will tell I guess.

I'm off to spend time with the host folks now. Hope it's the weather's nice wherever you're reading!

1 comment:

  1. Bike trip has fallen
    Riding in the rain is fun
    This is a haiku
