Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Random Drug Seminars...?

Today in school, after the first three set of classes, we had a presentation in the auditorium. I had no idea what it was about and on the stairs up - by overhearing bits and pieces of hallway banter - I deduced that no one else really knew as well. We all filed into the auditorium and to my pleasure, I found out we were having a Drugs, Sex and Alcohol seminar.

To those who have never been exposed to these in High School, these are hilarious. Almost every time I've listened in on these, they consist of videos and/or Powerpoint presentations from the 1980s. If you've ever seen The Breakfast Club, imagine those folks.

Though I only understood half of what the presenter was saying, it was plenty ridiculous and lasted two times as long as it was supposed to. Life was good.

I also progressed in Kite Runner, which is still awesome. If you didn't read my last post, just know that you should definitely read it. But DON'T watch the trailer for the movie unless you've read past the Chapter 13/14 area. It has a big, Big, BIG spoiler. I found out the hard way last night :(

It's also my Grandmother's 91st birthday tonight! I'm going to try to Skype her later this evening.

Stay tuned for tomorrow!


  1. Grandmo couldn't believe that she could actually see you and talk to you. When she was a girl, she said the only technology she had was the telephone. Not even TV!
