Sunday, February 13, 2011

Northeast Reflections + Moved in!

Hello followers/viewers! How've you been the past month? Did you miss me?

As I said in the last post, I've been away for the last 30 days on a bus-trip through Brazil. Despite being sick for a short part of it (and a small Dengue Fever scare), the trip was absolutely incredible. Despite having traveled all around the world with my family, this trip never ceased to astound me. Every place, from the small town of Lençois, to the booming metropolis of Rio de Janeiro, had something spectacular to offer. Whether it be breathtaking beaches or mind blowing açaí, this trip literally had it all. In fact, usually the smaller towns held the biggest surprises.

For any exchangers planning on doing this trip be mindful of Jericoacoara. Though it's small, it has a lot more to offer than just beach. Morgan, an American exchange student I met on the trip, and I found literally the world's most incredible cappuccino there.

Imagine! She and I have both been to Italy, and we both agreed without doubt that the taste of this cappuccino was simply ridiculous.

Seriously exchangers, though monuments and museums have a lot to offer, some of the best places you'll find are ones you find yourself. Whenever they give you free time, take it to explore a little! See what there is to see, and you'll be shocked at what you would have missed.

For every exchange student who comes to Brazil, this is THE trip to go on. The other trips are cool without a doubt, but none of them are like this. It's reasons like these people say Brazil is one of the best places to do an exchange.

In short, if you're an exchange student in Brazil, do this trip. It is worth every centavo.

SO, a new chapter has begun in my exchange: I am officially moved in to family #2's house, and out of the Berger's.

For now, I am living in an apartment building near the center of Londrina. It's a big transition in a lot of way. For starters, I've gone from a town of roughly 25,000 people, to a city of more than 200 times that amount. I've moved from a family of 5, to living with one host mom.

Though the situation is different, the city has a ton to offer, and there are a lot more exchange students here in Londrina. Though I'm sad that my trip is over, and I've left my first family, It's easy to look to the future and even easier to it breaking the day.

As the future unfolds, I'll keep you guys posted. Stay faithful!

Northeast Photos Part 1:
Northeast Photos Part 2: